Saturday, August 10, 2013

There is a dire need for a comprehensive immigration reform. Every day, all around us, we can see the brutal consequences of an immigration system- families staying separated for years, exploitation of migrants by their employers, incidents of smuggling and people desperate to make it anyhow into the United States perishing in the desert. Just as immigration is a humanitarian issue it is also a moral issue as well. Immigrants are being made unwilling scapegoats for the social ills plaguing the state, the only way out is to encourage the process for a structured immigration reform to make faster headway. To be able to get a green card an applicant has to go through a very long procedure, and the number of undocumented immigrations has increased at an alarming rate. Legality over the immigration procedure is very crucial for both immigration and green card applicants. There is an urgent need therefore, for some comprehensive, well-structured legal reforms in the field of immigration procedures for immigration applicants to the United States.


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